Monday, September 23, 2013

looking back on a year of furniture!

like any good children's book, this post is going to be mostly PICTURES!!!
if you see something cool and want to ask specific questions, PLEASE DO!
if you are reading this, you may have found it on Pinterest!  or on my Facebook page!
we've been in business a year now so i went back thru pictures and will be posting some of my BEST and WORST pieces!!  lets be honest, not every project turns out a master piece!!
if you love looking thru pinterest (as i do) at all the beautiful painted furniture.... or the "trash to treasure" pins, you probably find yourself wanting to give it a try!  and i say GO FOR IT!!  i've always been creative, but i never imagined myself doing this!!  and my husband isn't overly creative but he too is very good at ReInVintage'ing furniture!
so here we go!!
first of all, i WILL be telling ALL my secrets!!  where i find my goodies... what paint i use...
is my favorite and by far the most brutal!  you have to be on the ball to do this one!
garage sales
i'm not good at looking at ads and then mapping out my trip... i like to get in my van and wander aimlessly!!  it makes finding furniture a true adventure!
estate sales
i personally don't find these to be that great.  they are usually overpriced...
at least for what i want to accomplish.
this can be tricky.  if you go to a recurring auction, you'll get a feel for the prices... some auctions have great deals, and some are insanely over-priced.  it just depends on who shows up.
who are we kidding?!?  you see an awesome chair on the curb and you load that thing up!  i have gotten dressers, chairs, tables... just make sure they are safe (sturdy) and cleanABLE!
free stuff
its hard to explain this one... but once you start painting furniture, people start giving you items!  and it's awesome!  i have gotten some GREAT pieces this way!
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  period.  in my dream world, i would ONLY use her paint.  but when i have a project that requires a color she doesn't have, i am forced to use other brands.  BUT... i always start those projects with a base coat of Annie's Old White.
ASCP is ONLY sold at specific stockest... meaning don't look at Lowe's or Sherwin Williams!!
get on Annie's website and you can find one near'ish to you!
Birds Gotta Fly Vintage in Elkhart Indiana is right by me!!!  paint any time i want!!
this is the table that started it all!!  a farm table built by my husband and father in law!!
the 80's are OVER!!  so we gave this china cabinet a major make-over!!!  ditched the doors and lightened it up!
when you get an "antique" or "vintage piece" that is too damaged to re-finish, painting it is a great option!!!

i found this treasure at a garage sale!  it was handmade... cobbled together out of scraps... during the depression.  i almost didn't want to take it from it's original family!!  but some paint and new pulls and now she sits in my friends laundry room!
who had French Provincial Furniture as a little girl?!?!  i know i did!!!  and this desk brought back a flood of fond childhood memories!  this was the first in a long line of my French Pro painting!
this dresser gave way for my "RoCk sTaR" collection of furniture!!  these pieces are aimed at tweens and teens.  this piece went to a student in our son & daughters grade in Junior High.  Whoa was my daughter on my case to make her one too!!
and here is what she got!!  another awesome garage sale find!  dark 1970's to a legit teens room!  i got blank pulls and hand painted on them!  if you want more info, i did a blog on Redecorating a Room for Less than $200!!

when i brought this yellow chair home and told my hubs it was for him... he looked at me like i'd completely lost it!  but, he picked a dark distressed red, and EVERYONE loves it!!
this beauty was a craigslist find... and my introduction to the RACE that is craigslist!  "whoever gets here first gets the chair".  i REALLY wanted that chair!  this piece was donated to a silent auction to raise money for our favorite missionaries!

and more rock star pieces!!!
this piece was fab for a special reason!  i put this on craigslist to sell it and a lady responded... she noticed my email name and after 5 minutes, we realized we were cousins!!!
i LOVE to decoupage!!!  and its super easy!!  i have step by step instructions in my blog!!
this piece actually stayed in our home!  our 9 year old daughter got it for Christmas last year!  she LOVED it!
we had an Ugly Furniture Contest and this was our winner!  someone along the way had stripped it with the intention of re-finishing it when the current owner snagged it at a garage sale.  her vision was perfect!!!

  here's a softer side... for little girls!

what a MAKE-OVER!!!  this chair was the first piece of brand new furniture my mother EVER bought!!!  it was in perfect condition!!  except it was.... ugly!!  she gave me a color to start with and i went from there.  she was thrilled with her "new" chair!

  OMBRE.... oh how i love OMBRE!!!  the top picture was my first ombre piece... and i have done many since!
  this was a great auction find!!

i LOVE red!!! i just love it!!
this piece is WHY you chat up craigslist sellers!!!  you never know what else they have to sell!!!  my husband snagged this for "$11 is what i have in my pocket"... DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK!!!  he paid $11 for a hand built dry sink!!

incidentally, my husband hates when i paint things orange.  but customers LOVE it!!  they sell super fast!!!

sometimes we get pieces that should NOT be painted... and we sell them as is!!!
 i can't make enough with this color combo!!

we weren't sure about this one... but it sold in 2 days!
a very subtle ombre.  i absolutely love this one!!
i'm not especially into the "waterfall style"... but i do like this piece!!
another piece built by my FIL!!!  i just love this design!!  it was brought to us by one of our friends!!  thanks jeremie and bri!!
this piece came out of a storage locker auction purchase!  it was a real score!!
a sweet little old man was moving into an assisted living home and selling all his furniture... sometimes, the more you buy, the cheaper it gets!!!  this went into a pirate themed room!  LOVE!!
i'll end... sorta where we began!!  this was our first try at STAIN!!  we like the look it created on this farm table!!
well, those were some of my favs!!  it was fun looking back thru the pieces we've done!  if you have questions JUST ASK!!

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