Friday, November 9, 2012

its a... DIME!!!

ok... so for those of you following along with the "skylar saga"... you know we were expecting 6 balls of furry love in a week.  baby daddy... unknown.

at first everything seemed to be going ok.  her ... boobs... got HUGE!!  her belly... sorta got a little bigger... sorta... not really... 

i kept reading oodles of info on prego dogs and what to expect and the different phases...
my father in law built this amazing whelping box for her to whelp in!  whelp... that's when a dog gives birth... yeah, i didn't know that either :)

something wasn't right though... we just knew... mike and i finally said it out loud a couple of days ago.  i knew we needed to go to the vet.

so this morning, i load sky in the van and head to work.  every day i go to McDonald's for my diet coke.  today i got sky a sausage biscuit.  she loved it.  she dropped a piece of biscuit in the cup holder.  i keep change in the cup holder.  i said "sky, DON'T eat the money!!"  what she heard was "waa waa waa blaa" as she scarfed down the biscuit crumbs.

we go into my office... we're there all of 12 minutes when i notice sky is awfully quiet.  that can't be good.  so i start investigating and BAM, she pooped.  thanks sky.  then she got a drink out of the water fountain... aka, toilet... and locked herself in the bathroom twice.  i love that dog.

off to the vet...  here's a break down:
1.  skylar is a BEAUTIFUL lab!  her head is proportionate to her body.  she's muscular not fat. 
2.  skylar has a WONDERFUL personality!  not hyper, skittish, or aggressive.
3.  skylar is NOT pregnant anymore :(  at some point she lost all her babies...
4.  skylar is SUPER healthy!!  there are no adverse affects from the miscarriage.
5.  skylar DID NOT listen to her mommy and she ATE A DIME!!!
6.  skylar will be eating peanut butter smeared on bread twice a day for the weekend in hopes of pushing out the dime.
7.  mommy and daddy will be looking through all of skylar's poop this weekend making sure the dime passes.  fun.

so there it is... no puppy love for the gonser's.  i'm sad.  we're all sad.  but when i needed it most, mike reminded me of this:

"i'm sorry... remember God gives us what he wants us to have!!!!!  i'm not sure if i made that up or what!!!!  Love you!!"

and mike is right.  God IS taking care of skylar!  and God's plan isn't always OUR plan.  He loves all his creations... even dogs... and He's keeping Sky safe.

so... that's it.  oh... one more thing...
if you've ever wondered what it looks like when a dog swallows a dime... this is it!!  oh, and if you've wondered what it's like to for the dime in the poop... let me know... i'll get you our address!!!!
love to all!!!

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