Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2012 woman

glancing down at my freshly manicured nails, i just thought to myself,
"there is A LOT of pressure on a woman these days"... i FEEL the pressure!  i don't even LIKE getting my nails done, but i feel this pressure to look perfect and be "put together"...

maybe it's because i'm somewhat of an overachiever... but i feel there are a lot of demands on women!

Maintain a Beautiful Home...
Raise Beautiful, overachieving, smart, athletic, and artistic children who give back to society...
excel in a career...
be the PERFECT stay AT home mommy...
bake "pinterest worthy" treats on demand...
be thin, active, and look beautiful at all times...
stay UP to DATE on the latest fashions and never wear last years boots...
be a doting and attentive wife...

and on and on and on...

and for each of those things... comes ANOTHER list of demands!!!

am i saying i don't accept the challenge?!?  not at all!!!  i EMBRACE the challenge!!! 
what i DO say is:


SOMETIMES, the house WILL be messy!!

Its OKAY if our kids get dirty, have hair out of place, get a C, and don't make the basketball team!

if your career is answering the phone at an accounting firm and you're happy, THAT'S GREAT!

we can't all be stay at homes... and if you are, you're still allowed a day off, so get a babysitter for the day and don't feel guilty!!

when it's your turn to send cookies to school, they CAN be store bought!  don't make yourself crazy!

we CAN miss a workout, we CAN carry an extra 5-10 lbs, you DON'T have to wear makeup 24/7, and when the hairs a mess, wear a ball cap!

its perfectly fine to wear the same jeans for three years and if you love that hoodie, WEAR IT GIRL!!

we do need to pay attention to our husbands, but we CAN hold the remote!!

so for me...

i WILL continue to get manicures... cause i like the way they look :).  i WILL strive to stay up on bootleg, flare, skinny... jeans.  i WILL attempt to keep my children clean, well dressed, academically and athletically focused, and contributing members of society.  i WILL make every attempt to make hand cut out cookies themed accordingly to the event at hand.  i WILL accept and rejoice in my God given career.  i WILL continue to put my hair in a pony tail after it drives me crazy for half the day.  i WILL wear my husband's sweatshirt because its soft, way too big, and reminds me of him.  i WILL hold the remote at all costs as i remind my husband how much he means to me as i fold his batman boxers.

i will be me...  no matter what pinterest says... no matter what better homes & gardens says... no matter what cosmo says...  i WILL be ME and i WILL be HAPPY!!!  :)

oh.... and i WILL continue to take pics of myself even when my husband is shaking his head!!


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