Saturday, September 8, 2012

the BOTTOM LINE on our Mission Trip

i have been trying to write about this for a week and i just haven't been able to do it...  but as i was waxing 6 dining room chairs and talking to God, i realized i just have to do it.

$7500.  $7500 is what we need for mike, i, jordan, lexi, and brady to go to Mexico on the mission trip.  $7500 is a TON of money in our world!!! 

last week during the informational meeting, our pastor talked about asking for donations and learning the humility that full time missionaries feel all the time.  ugh!!  it's just NOT in mike or my nature to ask for money!!  ... well, except from our parents :) 

we knew we would need a big chunk of change... which is why we started ReInVintaged Designs ... ....  we hoped that by our traditional Hard Work and dedication we could pull this off. 

so... this leads me to the REAL BOTTOM LINE.... we have to have $3000 paid by November.  when we realized that... we each went into silent PANIC MODE!!  we finally talked to each other about it on thursday... mike said "we can't go crazy and be intolerable with each other trying to pull this off!  if we can't go on this trip, we'll do another"  that was the most relief i'd felt all week!!!  i had just been talking to God right before mike and i talked and i told Him "we can't do this on our own!!  if You want us there, i know You'll make it happen!" 

mike and i have continued to plug away at the furniture.  we currently have an inventory valued at about $2700... ironic huh?!?!?  so here's where you all come in!!!  here's how you can help:

1.  check out our ReInVintaged Designs page!!  and tell your friends to as well!!!

2.  BUY A PIECE OF FURNITURE!!!  Or hire us to custom build you a piece or ReInVintage a piece you already own.

3. send a donation for our trip to Faith Community Church (checks made payable to Faith Community Church) and indicate it's for the Gonser Family

4.  (most important!!)  PRAY FOR US!!!!  we truly believe if we are meant to go, God will make a way.  we will continue to work hard and pray.  if we aren't able to physically go, i'm happy to say the Gonser's will at a minimum be able to make a nice donation to the Conrad's who live in the mission field everyday!!!

okay... if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask us!!  if you don't want to post them here, feel free to Facebook us or email us:

love and blessings to all!!
mike, laurie, and crew

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