Wednesday, April 24, 2013

from the heart... my open heart journey....

i've decided to blog my "OPEN HEART SURGERY" journey... so here we go :)

i've already shared in previous posts how we discovered the aneurysm... and the valve issues... so i'm just going to start from yesterday.

in prep for the BIG DAY... i had a fun filled day (NOT) at the hospital yesterday!!  the doctors wanted as much info as possible before going in.  the valve issue was still in question, so it was determined i should really have a TRACHEAL ECHO.  ok... and because i had an aortic repair in 1983, the doctors also wanted to make sure that was still good... and i should have a HEART CATH to check that out.  super!   and while i'm there... we'll get all the pre-surgery tests done too.  i knew it was going to be a GREAT DAY!!!

obviously, the first thing they asked me to do was take off my NORMAL clothes and put on the "GOWN".  lets think about that for just a minute...  i just googled "gown" and THIS is what i got:

 and others similar...

 but THIS is what the hospital means!  HOW IS THAT A GOWN!!  not to mention, they had two sizes to offer... XS or XXL.  hmm.... so i got one that wrapped around me twice!  and check out the "footies".... that come to my knee! 

of course, i had to make some funny faces!!! 

and here's mike and i waiting for all the fun to start!

i had the "pre-surgery tests" first... chest x-ray, throat ultra sound (that was alittle weird), blood work, and the standard pee in a cup.  easy.

next would be the "tracheal echo".  a nurse type person came in and went over the procedure with me.  i heard:  "we'll give you a big shot.... swallow a probe... " and then i checked out!  I DON'T WANT A BIG SHOT IN MY THROAT!  AND I SURE AS HECK DON'T WANT TO SWALLOW ANYTHING!  then she clarified... not a needle shot... a drink shot!  ok... and she assured me it would be disgusting.  cool, i can't wait!  then there was something about a numbing spray... and me being awake so i could make a swallow motion... 

it's time... they lay me on my left side.  i have a towel... aka "drool bib" placed under my face.  i get my "shot" and i sorta licked it out like jello shot.  it was this SUPER THICK gel like substance... extremely medicinal tasting with a hint of cherry.  seriously??  the cherry was a ridiculous attempt at making it enjoyable.  FAIL!  at the same time i'm numbing my entire mouth and throat, the nurse guy was putting something delightful into my IV.  now they SAID i would be awake for the swallowing of the probe, but i sure as heck don't remember it! 

the next thing i remember is i'm now in a different room getting prepped for the heart cath.  they're messing with my arm... someone asks me where i went to school.  i remember saying "what do you mean?  high school or college?"  at one point they were looking at a bruise on my fingers and i told them "never mind that, i slammed it in the damn washing machine last night!!"  that really did happen by the way ;)

and that's it.  then i woke up to this:
and something about pulling the tube... and letting air out slowly... and acting like my wrist was broken... and if it filled with blood, don't bother with the nurse button, just scream like crazy.  ok. 
i hadn't eaten since the night before... so mike ordered me some food.  i remember i really wanted soup.  so he got me chicken noodle... one of my favs.  and a fruit cup and some sherbet.  i ate.  then slept.  and slept some more.  around 5:00 i got to leave.  my wrist was wrapped very tightly.  i was told to watch for bleeding... and there was none praise God! 
my wrist is very sore today.  and i'm in a weird mood.  it's like ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT is monday and the surgery. .... not even so much the surgery, but the recovery.  i'm completely freaked about the recovery.  i know i'm young and in excellent health otherwise... so i will be fine and do great.  i suppose i'm just afraid of the unknown.  

so... that's it.  monday i have to be there at 5:00 a.m.  they will be replacing my aortic valve with a mechanical one.  they will be repairing my aorta.  and i will be great!! 

thanks for all the love, prayers and concern!!

love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of prayer behind you and you go through surgery and recovery! And remember I am close if you need anything!
