Friday, April 12, 2013

a little heart surgery please...

i've tried to write this several times, to no avail... so here i go again!  starting from the BEGINNING!
Once Upon A Time... there was an ADORABLE little blonde girl named
Laurie.  she was sooooo cute!  just look!!!
alright... lets be serious now!
in 1982, when my parents took me to my "kindergarten check-up", my family doctor realized something was wrong when i had no pulse in my ankles.  yeah.... that can't be good.  so, long story short- i ended up having closed heart surgery to repair a coarctation of the aorta.  the surgery went well and i was good to go!

faaaasssst forward...........................

in may 2010 i wasn't feeling well.  i thought it was just stress from work.  but i was REALLY feeling bad, so i went to the ER... my blood pressure was out of control.  they did a CT Scan and found a 4.4 cm aortic aneurysm.  it was a "watch and see" situation.  i was told i needed to have it monitored on an annual basis.

this is the part of the story where i look pretty bad...  i DIDN'T follow doctors orders.  after that initial CT Scan in 2010, i never had it checked again........

so God stepped in.

God is really amazing!  he knows WHAT we need and WHEN we need it!  about a month ago, that same family doctor from my childhood came into my office... just as he does every year... to get his taxes done!  of course he's long since retired, but we enjoy chatting when he comes in each year.  this year as we were catching up, he mentioned he just had an aortic aneurysm repaired.  "i have one too!!", i said.  and that's when he looked at me with that.... "doctor look".... and tipped his... lowered his eyes... and said in a low tone "laurie.... are you getting that monitored?"  um.... so this is when i had to sheepishly lower my head and whisper "no...."

you can probably guess what happened next!  as soon as my sweet old doctor left... i was on the phone to my current family doctor!!  i think it probably sounded something like this:

scheduler person:  "granger family medicine, how can i help you?"

me:  "oh my God... i CAN'T DIE!!!  tell dr. scott i need referred to a cardiologist who i DON'T have a language barrier with and i need a CT-SCAN NOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

scheduler person:  .... thinking to herself, "why do I always get the crazies?!?!?"

so... i went and met with a cardiologist... we DID have a language barrier.  i thought he said i should go on a "meditation diet" but he REALLY said i should go on a "MEDITERRANEAN DIET".  I DON'T WANNA DO EITHER!!!  but he DID send me for a CT-SCAN.

You can imagine my surprise when i arrived for my Scan and they start talking about IV's!  i'm like "whoa!  what's going on here!  what are we doing??"  apparently, SOMEONE forgot to tell me this was a Scan with DYE!  i'm still not thinking it's a big deal... until they shoot that junk in me and i have an allergic reaction to it that made me want to scratch my face off and i was quite certain my lips were ....

next... a few days go by and my doctor's nurse calls me:

nurse:  "hi... (read this with a soft sympathetic tone!) ... i wanted to go over your CT Scan... and let you know there IS an aneurysm."

me:  inside my head "duh, please tell me NEW info!!" 

what i did learn from this call was that my "smallish" aneurysm was now a "big enough to repair" aneurysm.  this made me :) :(

when i learned in 2010 that i had that little sucker, i didn't like the fact that we couldn't repair it.  i always felt like a time bomb.  if it were to burst, there's no making it to the hospital... in 30 seconds your done. 


And now with this new info... i was sent to a cardiothorasic surgeon.  and that brings us to this week.

mike and i went into the doctors office.  immediately i was distracted by the fact that he looks EXACTLY LIKE MATTHEW PERRY!!!!  it's sooo awesome!  anyway... back to my heart... 

my aneurysm is 4.9 c.m.  at 5 c.m. they operate.  HOWEVER...i ALSO have a bad aortic valve... so surgery is a must.  what i THOUGHT i was going to hear was ".... outpatient... back to work in a few days.... "  but what i ACTUALLY heard was:

"5 to 7 days in the hospital.  another week completely down at home.  then another 2-6 weeks of recovery.... you can go back to work PART-TIME after 4 weeks... MAYBE."

anyone who's spent five minutes with me, knows I CAN'T SIT STILL FOR 4 MINUTES LET ALONE 4 WEEKS!!!!!  i can't be down that long!!  i have a husband.... kids... dogs... laundry... FURNITURE TO PAINT!!!!!!  THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING!!!!

then.... there's the alternative... without surgery, it's like a watching waiting game.... of when will it burst.  the dr. was quite certain i wouldn't make it to 55.  that is UNACCEPTABLE! 

so surgery it is.  full blown... all the way... open heart... surgery.  april 29th.  memorial hospital.  i have an echo scheduled for monday to see what's really going on with the defective valve.  then i have to squeeze in a heart cath... then surgery.

so, my plan for the next two weeks:

~ create a master calendar to organize my family, make numerous copies and pass out to all my extended family (there is NO WAY i'm a control freak!!)

~ turn my bedroom into a haven of relaxation and healing (where do i put the dogs??)

~ paint AS MUCH FURNITURE AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE (i NEED to keep my store stocked!)

~ research activities to keep me from going bat $hi+ crazy for 4-8 weeks

~ TAN.  i really want to look good for this surgery

~ get two nail fills.  again... i need to look put together!

there you go... i don't know if that answers all the questions... but feel free to ask more!!  thank you for all the love, concern and prayers!!!!

love you all!


  1. Wow! Just know that you have a LOT of people praying for you and your family! If you need anything, I am not far from your house, so let me know!

  2. Prayers for you! and you may want to check on the nails before you go under and not be allowed nail polish (just saying) hugs

  3. good point on the nails!!
    thank you joyce!!! <3 you!
