Friday, October 4, 2013

praying for people we don't like

i think my title says it all.

there is someone in my life who definitely does NOT like me.  and it's come to my attention that this person looks at my linkedin regularly.  which is fine... i put all that out on the Internet and it's a professional page intended for business networking.  my profile/page is actually very boring.  i never update it and i don't "post" anything on it.  i have chosen to keep my facebook private (or as private as possible) because i share things about myself and family.  i'm selective in accepting "friends" for that reason as well.

so today, i felt alittle creeped on.  but hey, what are ya gonna do?!  then i thought, I'M GOING TO PRAY FOR THAT PERSON!!  wow, that had to come from God FOR SURE!  then i thought I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO PRAY! 

so i googled "praying for people we don't like".  and i found a great and simple prayer:

Father, I know of several people who do not wish me well. They love it when I stumble. They rejoice when I hurt. They delight in my failures. Father, I first ask that they can come to know Jesus and have your Spirit minister to their deepest hurts and transform them into your children. Give me strength as I seek your presence so that you can bless them. Help me release all vindictiveness, desires for vengeance, and cultivated bitterness and malice. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

there are some powerful words in there.  but i know that's what i need to do. 

so, Lord... work in that person's heart.  open that person's mind.  release them from the hatred that consumes their life.  bring them a peace only You can provide.  amen.

in case you're wondering why this is a blog... i assume given how they like to check my linkedin,  they enjoy my blog as well.  life is too short to be consumed with hate.  we get one chance on earth, and i will enjoy every moment with my family and friends!!  i truly hope all who read my blog do too!


  1. How could someone NOT like YOU??? Don't let them get you down!

  2. i know joyce! can you imagine someone NOT liking ME?!?!? But alas, it is true! and for a long time, i let it get to me and it caused me to have a lot of BAD feelings. i'm letting go of all that junk!! instead of being upset with people, now i'm going to pray for them!!
