Tuesday, December 11, 2012

dropped off the face of the earth???

i can honestly say, the last... three weeks have been a blur.......
and the farthest thing from my mind has been furniture....
front and center has been....

our beloved dog Skylar :)

i think it's safe to say "the skylar saga" started way back in september.  sometimes i find long drawn out explanations just as exhausting to write as i'm sure they are to read... so here's what happened...

-  sept 24... find out sky is preggers.  mixed joy.  totally not planned, but i love me some puppies!

-  end of october... sky's belly really isn't getting bigger... now we're getting worried...

-  november 2... find out sky lost all her babies :(  AND ate a dime

-  a few days later... sky poops out the dime :)

-  around november 14th, our family is getting ready to leave for florida.  we REALLY need a vacation!  sky really doesn't want to eat.  she LOOKS depressed.... 

-  november 19... sky is with gpa john... doesnt want to eat.  i call the vet from florida and gpa takes her in.  the vet thinks sky is fine other than she's very sad we are gone and she misses her pal rudy: 
they are BEST BUDS!

-  november 24... we get home from florida.  sky goes NUTS when she sees us!!  talk about a happy puppy!  buuuut.... she still doesn't want to eat.

-  november 25... i sit on the kitchen floor, spoon feeding skylar vanilla pudding... the ONLY thing she'll eat, and i'm basically forcing her to...

-  november 26... i call the vet.  she gets us in right away that morning.  she notes that skylar doesn't look well... she's lethargic and appears dehydrated.  strange considering she was drinking TWO giant dishes of water a day...   the vet does blood work.  sky's kidneys are failing. 

WHAT?!?!  my ONE year old dogs kidneys are FAILING!?!?  the vet comes up with three reasons:
             1.  born with bad kidneys (will mean heaven for sky)
             2.  Addison's (a condition that will require life long treatment)
             3.  leptospirosis (a curable bacterial infection)

clearly, we were hoping for #3... or even #2.

so... the vet pumps sky full of fluid because she's dehydrated and we head home to wait......

that "hunch back" is the fluid.  yuck.
sky was supposed to be on "bed rest"... which wasn't too difficult... she was pretty lethargic still...
"resting" at mommy's work
Tuesday and Wednesday that week, sky was great!!!! by Thursday....
SHE CRASHED.... mike and i talked it over at lunch... we had an appointment with the vet at 5:00... we'd learned from test results she didn't have Addison's...  we were prepared to say goodbye to our girl that night...
i let the kids know...  they all said tearful goodbyes.
mike brought sky and met me at the vets.
i had some pop tarts in my purse that i'd forgotten to eat for breakfast...  i offered them to sky.  i figured if she was heading to heaven, she should go out with a bang!   she loved the pop tarts!
"IT'S LEPTO" she screamed!  Lepto... the totally curable bacteria!!! 
BUT DON'T GET TOO EXCITED..........  sky's case was VERY BAD... Purdue University suggested we try to save her given her age... but the kidney damage may be too far.........
sky spent all day Friday getting an IV fluid treatment.....
and we haven't been able to keep her off the trampoline since!!! 
that was almost two weeks ago.....  tomorrow we'll go and get the final blood work done!  Purdue says she survived because she's so young and otherwise healthy...
but we all know it's because of prayer.
sky is back at it!  terrorizing the neighbors and hanging out with her "boyfriends"  :)  it's pretty cute actually! 
so there you have it.... i'm still here... and now that this is BEHIND us... i'm ready to get back at it!!!! 
oh... of course i need to add some random "isn't my dog the cutest ever" pictures!!!
she's always loved sleeping on pillows!  not so cute now at 56 lbs!

loooong tongue!

terrorizing my flowers!

that mean dog in the mirror NEVER leaves her alone ;)

she STILL gets up to the table!  geesh!

(never mind me and my "no make-up" Saturday look)  she's my love baby for sure!!!  <3 <3 <3

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