~ my house isn't big enough
~ i don't decorate enough
~ my laundry room isn't spotless
~ i don't make my own homemade laundry detergent and keep it in a pretty glass jar on a tray!!!!!
WHATEVER!!! WHO DOES THAT?!?! my cleaning lady said to me two weeks ago "it was nice to be able to walk into the laundry room and clean that bathroom"... she clearly lacks a FILTER!!! but the point is... not only is my laundry room NOT SPOTLESS... you USUALLY CAN'T SEE THE FLOOR!!! IT'S COVERED IN LAUNDRY!!! IT A LAUNDRY ROOM!!!! DUH!!! heck, for at least two months, the toilet seat didn't have a lid!! our dog thought we installed a drinking fountain for her!
why am i telling you all of this... because that blog inspired me AND made me feel like i'm incompetent!! i know that woman was just showing her lovely home... and some great ideas... but i want my readers to know i'm REAL!!! i REALLY work 40 hours a week!! i REALLY have 6 kids!! i REALLY have 2 dogs!! .... and a hubby... and puppies on the way... and a furniture business... and my kids activities.... blah blah blah!! that is REAL!!!!!
i realized this morning, i've gained 8 lbs!!! i seriously can't fit into 75% of my pants/jeans.... i beat myself up about that too!!! but NO MORE!!!! i'm back on track!!! i've isolated the problem!! i had a LOOONG talk with myself!!! i can do this!!!
okay... now... my husband is going to DIE!!!!! and i want to warn you... the pictures involved are VERY GRAPHIC!!! there's a chance you're going to need therapy after this!!! brandie layne... if you are reading this... after the vomiting stops... you may want to book a flight to elkhart for an intervention on me!!! and all my other "organization loving friends"... you're welcome to join in!! brandie will need help!! i will be inserting some pics of a "laundry room" i found on line... i will NOT reference where as i'm sure it's a lovely family...
OKAY.... READY??????
i just texted one of my kids.... my instructions were:
"open the laundry room. DON'T touch ANYTHING!! send me a few pics"
what she expected to find was a pristine laundry room that i was about to brag on!!! what she REALLY found was this:
HONEY... I'M SO SORRY I AIRED OUR DIRTY LAUNDRY!!!!! BUT I HAD TO!!! ladies... i hope you giggled alittle... i hope you feel good about yourself... and i hope you have an AMAZING WEDNESDAY!!!!
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