** author's note... i titled this blog that way so if someone is googling "special needs" they may find this. we understand brittin does indeed have some "special needs" but in NO way do we feel that DEFINES her! and when anyone asks "what's wrong with her" we politely answer, "NOTHING!"
The Story of Brittin
It’s hard to believe my “baby” will be eight in two days!! She’s such an amazing child! Some days, when she’s never more than two feet from me… or doesn’t understand I CAN use the bathroom alone, I get so frustrated with her. Then I remember what a true miracle she is!
Our Miracle From God
May 20, 2003, my daughter Brenna Joy was born into heaven. After that, I wasn’t sure I could handle trying to have another child. But tests were run, prayers were lifted, and the decision was made to try again. Doctors were confident they knew what had happened with Brenna. I was diagnosed with Factor Five, a blood clotting disorder. Once pregnant, I would need a shot every day, of artificial heparin.
My pregnancy with Britt was progressing. I felt pretty good. I passed the 27 week mark, at which I had lost Brenna. September 7, 2004 was a Tuesday. The doctor’s office called to move my regularly scheduled doctor’s appointment from Friday to Monday. I didn’t think much of it. September 10, 2004 was Friday. That was the day I knew something was wrong. Brittin’s kicking had slowed dramatically. All I could think was “it’s happening again”. I spent the rest of the weekend somewhere between panic and complete denial. When I got ready for my Monday doctor appointment, I was prepared for the worst. Brittin hadn’t kicked in at least 24 hours… it was exactly like Brenna.
At my appointment, the doctor walks in and asks the standard “how are you doing?” at which time I burst out with “I’m horrible!! Look at me!!”… No shower, no make-up, and rambling about my baby being dead… Being a great doctor, he settles me down and gets out the Doppler, heart beat thing… and INSTANTLY finds Brittin’s heart beat! There are no words for the relief I felt at that moment! THAT was the good news. The bad news, my blood pressure was so high, I had to go to Memorial Hospital immediately for testing and monitoring.
Once at the hospital, it was whirlwind… within 30 minutes doctors discovered I was contracting, I had almost no amniotic fluid left and Brittin was in complete distress. Brittin had to be delivered immediately. I really don’t remember much… though I do remember I kept telling them “I can’t have her today! She’s only 29 weeks!” I even refused to scoot onto the surgical table! Doctor’s knew best. Brittin was delivered at 2:37 on September 13, 2004. A huge TWO POUNDS and lengthy 14 inches!!
I firmly believe that doctor’s appointment was changed by the hand of God. If I had gone on Friday as originally planned, everything may have looked fine. I would have made an appointment for a month later… I was told by the neonatologist, Brittin would have survived at most, two more days… Brittin is my miracle from God!
Life With Brittin
During Brittin’s delivery she had a stroke. The stroke left brain damage resulting in hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, agenisis of the corpus collosum and cognitive delays. But NONE OF THAT has slowed her down!! We wondered if she’d ever walk… she showed everyone at her 5th birthday party she would! We wondered if she’d go to school with other children her age and she wakes up every morning anxious for the bus to come get her!
I’ve been given two outstanding pieces of advice along the road with Britt:
1) Fight for your child. As the parent, you are the BEST advocate your child has.
2) If you treat your child like they’re “retarded” they will BE “retarded”
Both statements are true and the motto’s Mike and I live by (for all our children). No other person in the world will fight for our kids the way we do as parents. Resources don’t fall in your lap. You have to look for them. It can be discouraging. Over the past eight years, I’ve found myself burnt out many times. But someone is always there to pick me back up and remind me what I’m doing.
Brittin’s neurosurgeon is known for his… sometimes grouchy demeanor, but his interaction with Britt has always been amazing. He’s the person who told me to set my expectations high for Britt and he really did say “if you treat her like she’s retarded, she will be retarded”. That was hard to hear, but it’s the best advice I could get. This holds true for all children. Set expectations high! Drive your children to succeed!
Daily life with Brittin is an adventure!! Her pace is slower. What takes one family 10 minutes might take ours 20. Activities that some families take for granted, like a bike ride, are a real ordeal for our family.
But the pure joy Brittin gets out of life outweighs any challenges we face. Her sister Lexi posted on facebook last week, "The best thing in the world is to hear Brittin's little belly laugh. <3 ". And there’s something about her. It’s really inexplicable. Family members, acquaintances, and strangers are drawn to Britt. To this day I’m not really sure why, but it doesn’t matter. Brittin touches the hearts of everyone who she meets. If you ask Brittin if she’s limited, I don’t think she’d even understand that concept. In her mind, there is NOTHING she can’t do! When we go to Lexi's volleyball games, she tells me SHE will play volleyball when she's older!!
Whenever our other children complain about an ache or pain we remind them: Brittin has had six brain surgeries, two tendon surgeries and one heart surgery, you can work through a paper cut!
Brittin has had a huge impact on our family. Her siblings are better, more sensitive people because of her. Walking through the mall one day Lexi say’s to me “I really don’t like when people stare at Brittin”. I had to fight back the tears. And Brady told me when he was six years old “I’m just letting you know now mom, if anyone EVER messes with Brittin, I will punch them, and then you’ll get a call because I’ll be in the principal’s office”. How could I argue with that?
Thanks for the happy tears Mom! Brittin is the best!
ReplyDeleteThat looks funny because it says it's from me... but that was from our daughter sireana!! :)
DeleteBrittin certainly is a very special child. She is full of such joy and happiness that is always contagious! I have been curious about her story but didn't want to ask and be insensitive. So thanks for sharing her story.
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Never be afraid to ask!! I feel the same way sometimes about other children, but for us, we would rather have people ask about britt than wonder or stare... it's amazing how many strangers stare at her. oh well, i tell myself it's because she's gorgeous!!!
I am
ReplyDeleteBlessed to be in the house where I am sure many milestones where achieved for Brittin! Her pink bedroom was what made me first fall in love with the house!