Mike (michael to me!!) by day he's the super organized "Major Accounts Project Manager" and "Mold Shop Manager" at a local plastic thermoforming company! he loves college football... especially his beloved notre dame!! he enjoys cooking... and does the majority of it for our family! thankfully mike IS super organized and carpenter-ly (NOT a word!!) inclined!! if you hang around mike too long, eventually your sides WILL hurt from laughing so hard because mike IS a jokester!!
Laurie ... by day i'm the marginally disorganized and SUPER FRIENDLY office administrator for a local CPA firm. that is TOTALLY what i dreamed of being "when i grew up"!! i love all things pink and glittery! i LOVE dogs!! i think i'd probably have 27 if mike didn't keep me under control!! 2... i'm allowed 2!! i love going to all our kids "events" and i AM the mommy in the stands SCREAMING! i can't help it!! i'm pretty creative and i love the feeling of looking at my finished project knowing I DID THAT! i have the perfect high strung personality to compliment mike's, which is completely laid back!! together we make a great team!
Lexi... alexis to some... but Lex to me... by day, lex is 7th grader! and by the afternoon, she's a volleyball player!! i'd tell you what position, but i think i may not have been paying attention when she told me!! um... front row ball hitter???? lexi loves dogs, texting, and long walks on the beach... ok, well, maybe not the beach part! lex can often be found hanging out with friends, volunteering at our church or babysitting her little sister and niece! lex is an excellent student and great friend!
Brady... by day, brady is ALSO a 7th grader. some how or another tho, i understand in their tiny school... they manage to completely avoid each other all day!?!? brady is a super student and terrific athlete! brady's sport schedule keeps us hoppin' year round!! Baseball, Football, and Wrestling!! and when he's not participating in a sport, he does a weight lifting program at a trainer. whew... just talking about it makes me tired!! brady can often be found hanging out with friends, playing PS3, or reading... yes, he reads!!!
Brittin... by day, britt is a 2nd grader! oh, where did the time go! brittin is our "baby"... turning 8 next month!! by night, brittin is my SHADOW!! no really, she is!! attached at my hip is that one! but i love it!! while brittin hasn't quite yet begun painting furniture, she did paint up a mean rock!! britt is special to us for many reasons, but just to note, in her short life, brittin has overcome a stroke at birth, has had 6 brain surgery's and deals with cerebral palsey on a daily basis. to us, brittin is a real champ!! brittin can often be found reading her favorite books, making bead necklaces, or playing nail salon with her big sis lex!!
Sireana... by day, sireana is the busy mommy to a 2 year old daughter, azria... a sophomore at Bethel College... a veteran from the Navy... and an active Navy Reservist! whew! that makes me tired too!! sireana enjoys coffee, poetry, and short walks in the woods... ok, that last part was a joke! sireana really does enjoy helping people and is a fantastic daughter!! Sireana hasn't chosen her first piece to ReVive yet, but she's looking for something with sexy legs!!
that's pretty much it... mike and i do have two other beautiful daughters, jordan and sabreana... but they don't live with us or paint furniture... yet!! ;)
have a BLESSED day!!!
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