maybe you read my first underwear story: 30 pairs of underwear... if not, to sum it up: everyone in my family needs a Bunch of underwear to relieve the LAUNDRY PRESSURE i feel!
well, i'm the worst offender of this rule. and it drives my husband batty that i won't just go out and buy some underwear! for some reason, i hate spending money on that... tho underwear are seemingly a necessity... i don't know what's wrong with me!
so for Christmas, my loving thoughtful husband put a pack of underwear in my stocking!! :)
thanks babe!!
a couple of thoughts on my new underwear:
1. hipsters... thats a good style. very practical.
2. my husband flatters me... they're about a size too small. they will fit perfectly after i hit the gym!!
now... here's where its about to get REAL UP IN HERE! you may want to stop reading now...
i am SERIOUSLY behind on laundry. so here's my thought process this morning:
oh no! i don't have clean underwear!!!
what am i gonna do?!?!
ugh, i guess i could wear one of brittin's again.
STOP! if you know me, you're thinking... "but Brittin's 9!?!?" ok, well, the last time i bought HER underwear, i bought them a size too big... so she's not wearing them yet, and if i breathe just right and twist to the left, they stretch right out!!!
i really don't want to wear britt's underwear!!
WAIT!!! mike got me NEW underwear!!!!
i don't care that i haven't washed them yet!! i am going to wear them!!
so i go... grab the pack... open it up... take out the first pair.
my immediate thought:
hmm.... these seem a bit big... and don't look like hipsters... but honestly, they DO look comfortable... a bit like "granny panties"... oh well.
then i look at the tag! yeah, they look a bit big because they're a 3X!!! and NOT hipsters!!
don't think for a second i didnt contemplate trying them on!! it actually did run through my little head!
so this is the picture i sent mike this morning!
we got a good laugh!! and i hope you did too! after all, what's a good underwear story among friends... and the entire Internet?!?!?
Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
confessions of a REAL mom
pinterest has us all JACKED.
confessions of a REAL mom:
1. i don't like going on field trips with my children.
2. i did not cry when any of them went to kindergarten.
3. by the beginning of august, i yearn for school to start.
4. i have cleaned the spaghetti stained high chair in the bathtub.
5. i've had the kids have "sprinkler time" because i didn't want to clean them all up after spaghetti.
6. i buy food i like and hide it.
7. i buy frozen yogurt i like and they hate so i have a sliver of a chance of getting some.
8. when my children tap on me to get my attention, i want to karate chop them.
9. sometimes, i hide from my children. they always find me.
10. when my son had a gecko, i think i liked it as much as he did.
11. places like Chuck E Cheese or McDonald's Play Place give me anxiety. they are dirty and loud.
12. i found a stray oatmeal cream pie in the pantry and hid it until i could sneak it to my room without the kids hearing the crinkle sound of the wrapper. then i hid and ate it.
13. i told one of my kids that candy was "vitamins" so they wouldn't want any of my candy.
14. i think school cafeterias smell funny and avoid them at all costs.
15. when my car is super gross and dirty, i just blame the kids.
confessions of a REAL mom:
1. i don't like going on field trips with my children.
2. i did not cry when any of them went to kindergarten.
3. by the beginning of august, i yearn for school to start.
4. i have cleaned the spaghetti stained high chair in the bathtub.
5. i've had the kids have "sprinkler time" because i didn't want to clean them all up after spaghetti.
6. i buy food i like and hide it.
7. i buy frozen yogurt i like and they hate so i have a sliver of a chance of getting some.
8. when my children tap on me to get my attention, i want to karate chop them.
9. sometimes, i hide from my children. they always find me.
10. when my son had a gecko, i think i liked it as much as he did.
11. places like Chuck E Cheese or McDonald's Play Place give me anxiety. they are dirty and loud.
12. i found a stray oatmeal cream pie in the pantry and hid it until i could sneak it to my room without the kids hearing the crinkle sound of the wrapper. then i hid and ate it.
13. i told one of my kids that candy was "vitamins" so they wouldn't want any of my candy.
14. i think school cafeterias smell funny and avoid them at all costs.
15. when my car is super gross and dirty, i just blame the kids.
Christmas Movie Themed Party
i'm not going to make this blog all fluffy and pretty. lets skip to the nitty gritty.
my friend karrie and i hosted the church Christmas Party this year. we thought it would be fun to have a theme and went with Christmas Movies. "Lights, Camera, Christmas". so of course we jump on pinterest and there were lots of ideas for "Elf" parties... but not all different parties... so we sorta started from scratch.
what we knew:
we'd be having 9 tables to accommodate our guests
we wanted to play 3 games
we would give 3 door prizes
we wanted the food and decor to go right in with the theme
what we did:
after much googling, we
picked 9 Christmas Movies to base the party around:
1. Charlie Brown Christmas
2. Elf
3. The Santa Clause
4. A Christmas Carol
5. A Christmas Story
6. Christmas Vacation
7. White Christmas
8. It's a Wonderful Life
9. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
games we played:
Christmas Movie Character Mingle Bingo
this was incredibly chaotic. we needed a game that required people to mix and mingle. we assigned everyone a (semi)famous Christmas Movie Character at the beginning of the night. we had bingo cards. they had to find the characters to get a bingo by walking around and asking who people were.
Christmas Movie Quotes
played as a table (rather than individually). we gave a list of movie quotes i compiled with the help of google...
easy and fun
Name that Christmas Character
this game got changed a jillion times. originally, i thought it would be fun to have a "fashion show" with people dressed as characters. but that was too complicated.
then i created a Power Point with 15 famous characters...
only to realize, we didn't have the necessary equipment in the cafeteria.
soooo... thankfully Karrie took the 15 power point pics and printed them on 1 sheet of paper and numbered them 1-15... each table got one... and a paper to fill in Character and Movie.
i think this was the funnest game. yes, funnest IS a word!!
we wanted to room to resemble the explosion of paper chains and snowflakes in Elf. turns out, our husbands have limited patience for hanging said chains and snowflakes. still, i think it turned out nicely :)
i wanted each table to be decorated like one movie and have iconic items from that movie. of course i procrastinated on shopping, so my vision was complete.
anyway... first i found the Movie Posters for each of the nine movies... printed them and framed them in cheap dollar store frames.
i alsoo picked one famous quote from each movie and made little... stick things. you'll see...
try finding a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree when you want it. i thought i was going to go nuts chasing one down. when all was said and done, like 4 people came to me and said "i have one you could've borrowed!" ugh. now i have my own!!
the quote i used for "It's a Wonderful Life" was about the bells... and getting wings... so i used bells for the centerpiece. could've been better... next time :)
or this one...
yellow cake. strawberry jelly filling. for half of them, i baked the jelly right in. for the other half, my fabulous hubby did the cone cut out, fill with jelly, put cut out cake back, then frost. buttercream frosting dyed pink (and some left white)
Chocolate cake, green buttercream frosting, and a serious lack of planning on my part! the eyes should be yellow not orange. and i should have done these first. by the time i did these, i was SO OVER IT!!
Swirly Twirly Gum Drop Cupcakes White Christmas Cupcakes
white cake dyed, swirly buttercream frosting. white wrappers, white cake, white
gum drop on top. buttercream frosting, white edible glitter.
background music
karrie and her great hubby downloaded music from each of the movies, and that was played in the background :)
so that's pretty much it. dinner was catered, so that was just regular.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
i'm so excited i could burst!
sometimes i'm just in shock at how everything falls into place!!
yesterday, i sat at my desk and typed up three simple sentences. and then i stared... all day... unable to find the right closing phrase. i didn't want to say sincerely or yours truly and especially not respectfully yours. so at the end of the day, i shut down my computer, didn't save the letter, and prayed i could write it the next day.
that letter was written to the management of the store where mike & i have our ReInVintaged Designs booth. it was the letter ending our booth rental.
we have been struggling for months, trying to make the right decision on what direction to take our little business. we knew something had to change. but i could see no solutions! i swear i was giving myself an ulcer thinking about it! every single "solution" came with it's own set of issues. it was like a circle of domino's!
so i sat at my desk this morning. sorta thinking about that letter again... basically avoiding it. i strongly dislike ANY confrontation or unpleasantries! and then i got an email. it said "Exciting Changes Coming to Hart City!" and was from someone i didn't know...
and so i read it. and my jaw dropped a bit. Hart City Super Center has a new owner!!! and there will be changes!!!
* friendly staff
* taking credit/debit
* offering affordable delivery
* clean facilities
* new marketing
* an On-Line Store!!!
* and i can do WORKSHOPS!!!!
i am still in shock!!! i have been putting nearly 0 effort into my little business over the past several months because i've been downright depressed not knowing what to do!! i prayed God would give me a solution. i never fathomed this solution, but it literally IS THE BEST!!!
so once again, i have to say, God always has a plan!! it may not be what we envision. it may not be in our time frame. but he ALWAYS knows best!
i am so thankful and excited to get NEW PIECES in the booth and completely Re-Decorate our space!!!
now, i have to try to contain my excitement and go Ring Bells for the Salvation Army!!!
yesterday, i sat at my desk and typed up three simple sentences. and then i stared... all day... unable to find the right closing phrase. i didn't want to say sincerely or yours truly and especially not respectfully yours. so at the end of the day, i shut down my computer, didn't save the letter, and prayed i could write it the next day.
that letter was written to the management of the store where mike & i have our ReInVintaged Designs booth. it was the letter ending our booth rental.
we have been struggling for months, trying to make the right decision on what direction to take our little business. we knew something had to change. but i could see no solutions! i swear i was giving myself an ulcer thinking about it! every single "solution" came with it's own set of issues. it was like a circle of domino's!
so i sat at my desk this morning. sorta thinking about that letter again... basically avoiding it. i strongly dislike ANY confrontation or unpleasantries! and then i got an email. it said "Exciting Changes Coming to Hart City!" and was from someone i didn't know...
and so i read it. and my jaw dropped a bit. Hart City Super Center has a new owner!!! and there will be changes!!!
* friendly staff
* taking credit/debit
* offering affordable delivery
* clean facilities
* new marketing
* an On-Line Store!!!
* and i can do WORKSHOPS!!!!
i am still in shock!!! i have been putting nearly 0 effort into my little business over the past several months because i've been downright depressed not knowing what to do!! i prayed God would give me a solution. i never fathomed this solution, but it literally IS THE BEST!!!
so once again, i have to say, God always has a plan!! it may not be what we envision. it may not be in our time frame. but he ALWAYS knows best!
i am so thankful and excited to get NEW PIECES in the booth and completely Re-Decorate our space!!!
now, i have to try to contain my excitement and go Ring Bells for the Salvation Army!!!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Random Acts of Christmas Kindness... 2013
it's that time again!!! time for the gonsers to be extra nice to everyone we encounter!! i feel bad using the word "random" because clearly, some of the activities we'll be doing were PLANNED! i guess it could be PACK!
before diving into our projects, i want to share a GREAT and Truly RANDOM Act of Kindness! a couple of weeks ago, Julie, a girl i went to high school with, came out to the bazaar mike and i were at, and bought 2 dozen cookies. i say "girl" because i'm in COMPLETE DENIAL of the fact we are in our "late 30's". :( it was nice to chat and catch up! i always considered Julie a mentor and have really good memories!!
a few days after Julie and i chatted, i saw her in the drive-thru next to me at mcdonalds. i thought "this is a great opportunity!!" so i paid for her order! that's not the cool part!! later that night i got an email from Julie. she was not only appreciative of my random gesture, but she PAID IT FORWARD by PAYING for the CAR BEHIND HER!!!! i almost cried! it's so awesome to think how being KIND can be a domino effect! i hope that the people we encounter over the next month have the same reaction Julie did! if so, this is going to be a super happy/kind community!!!
DAY 1- clearly strategized! we took treats to our Pastors. i confess, being out of town the night before, i had to .... buy cookies :( but, we put them in these disguised baggies!!
its SO ANNOYING when my pics are sideways!!! and i don't know how to fix it!!!! ugh, tilt your head :(
DAY 2- tonight we will all write Christmas cards to soldiers!! and tomorrow they will all go out in the big envelope!!
some things we learned from last year:
last year was our first year, and we learned a few things...
1. after we made a list of activities, i made a shopping list. my daughter and i bought all the stuff we would need waaay back in November! i printed the little RACK slips, made stickers, got everything ready! december is a BUSY month!! i needed to make the day to day activity as easy as possible! it also helped financially! instead of having all the expense in december, it spread it out!
2. we are re-doing some of the RACKs from last year because we enjoyed them so much. and... we thought of new ones too! this year, i'm trying to demonstrate that being KIND doesn't have to cost money. we looked for ways to give our TIME! and trust me, in our family TIME is a huge commodity!
3. watch for truly RANDOM opportunities!! we have our assignment in an envelope for each day, but tonight, we will also be volunteering at our Church to prepare for the Pay-It-Forward event coming up on saturday!
okay.... that's it for now! be KIND!!! planned AND random!!!
before diving into our projects, i want to share a GREAT and Truly RANDOM Act of Kindness! a couple of weeks ago, Julie, a girl i went to high school with, came out to the bazaar mike and i were at, and bought 2 dozen cookies. i say "girl" because i'm in COMPLETE DENIAL of the fact we are in our "late 30's". :( it was nice to chat and catch up! i always considered Julie a mentor and have really good memories!!
a few days after Julie and i chatted, i saw her in the drive-thru next to me at mcdonalds. i thought "this is a great opportunity!!" so i paid for her order! that's not the cool part!! later that night i got an email from Julie. she was not only appreciative of my random gesture, but she PAID IT FORWARD by PAYING for the CAR BEHIND HER!!!! i almost cried! it's so awesome to think how being KIND can be a domino effect! i hope that the people we encounter over the next month have the same reaction Julie did! if so, this is going to be a super happy/kind community!!!
DAY 1- clearly strategized! we took treats to our Pastors. i confess, being out of town the night before, i had to .... buy cookies :( but, we put them in these disguised baggies!!
its SO ANNOYING when my pics are sideways!!! and i don't know how to fix it!!!! ugh, tilt your head :(
DAY 2- tonight we will all write Christmas cards to soldiers!! and tomorrow they will all go out in the big envelope!!
some things we learned from last year:
last year was our first year, and we learned a few things...
1. after we made a list of activities, i made a shopping list. my daughter and i bought all the stuff we would need waaay back in November! i printed the little RACK slips, made stickers, got everything ready! december is a BUSY month!! i needed to make the day to day activity as easy as possible! it also helped financially! instead of having all the expense in december, it spread it out!
2. we are re-doing some of the RACKs from last year because we enjoyed them so much. and... we thought of new ones too! this year, i'm trying to demonstrate that being KIND doesn't have to cost money. we looked for ways to give our TIME! and trust me, in our family TIME is a huge commodity!
3. watch for truly RANDOM opportunities!! we have our assignment in an envelope for each day, but tonight, we will also be volunteering at our Church to prepare for the Pay-It-Forward event coming up on saturday!
okay.... that's it for now! be KIND!!! planned AND random!!!
Vintage, Primative, Antique, Shabby Chic!!!
Here's what we have RIGHT NOW!!! and I'm excited to sell it all!!!
not sure what to call this... it's like the moulding that would go over a window... great for coat hooks, stocking hanger... we have many lengths to choose from... $10-$20
we have a variety of windows... 2 pane, 3 pane, 4 pane...
$40 ... on Original Frame
small- $5, medium-$10, large- $15
Pillow $25 (can be sold separately)
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