matthew 5:8 “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
i was in my office this morning... praying inside my head. what i WANT is the 13 acres we looked at last night. what i prayed for was God's hand and direction in my life. if God wants us to have that land, He'll make a way.
then i started thinking about my life and how amazingly blessed i am!!! some days, i just can't believe it! and i started to think "i don't deserve any more!!" and i started thinking "there's got to be some sort of limit to God's blessings and favor. surely i've reached my limit!"
and then it occured to me, i'm struggling with self-worth!! i'm questioning whether or not i am worth God's blessings. i realized that was just crazy talk!
john 10:10 A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
there's no holding back with God!
so... right after i had this argument with myself... in my head... my mechanic came walking thru the door. he delivered my car to me (which means no car fetching during lunch!!) AND he fixed my valve stem and changed the oil for FREE. what?!?!? is it free oil change tuesday!! I DON'T KNOW!! but i will accept that blessing!!
again, i just want to say... God's blessing isn't a bag of cash showing up at your door step!! well, it may be... that's up to him!! but i challenge you today, find something that was a blessing! maybe it was NOT getting stuck by a train... or bouquet of weeds from your child!! find your blessing and be thankful!!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
looking back on a year of furniture!
like any good children's book, this post is going to be mostly PICTURES!!!
if you see something cool and want to ask specific questions, PLEASE DO!
if you are reading this, you may have found it on Pinterest! or on my Facebook page!
we've been in business a year now so i went back thru pictures and will be posting some of my BEST and WORST pieces!! lets be honest, not every project turns out a master piece!!
if you love looking thru pinterest (as i do) at all the beautiful painted furniture.... or the "trash to treasure" pins, you probably find yourself wanting to give it a try! and i say GO FOR IT!! i've always been creative, but i never imagined myself doing this!! and my husband isn't overly creative but he too is very good at ReInVintage'ing furniture!
so here we go!!
first of all, i WILL be telling ALL my secrets!! where i find my goodies... what paint i use...
is my favorite and by far the most brutal! you have to be on the ball to do this one!
garage sales
i'm not good at looking at ads and then mapping out my trip... i like to get in my van and wander aimlessly!! it makes finding furniture a true adventure!
estate sales
i personally don't find these to be that great. they are usually overpriced...
at least for what i want to accomplish.
this can be tricky. if you go to a recurring auction, you'll get a feel for the prices... some auctions have great deals, and some are insanely over-priced. it just depends on who shows up.
who are we kidding?!? you see an awesome chair on the curb and you load that thing up! i have gotten dressers, chairs, tables... just make sure they are safe (sturdy) and cleanABLE!
free stuff
its hard to explain this one... but once you start painting furniture, people start giving you items! and it's awesome! i have gotten some GREAT pieces this way!
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. period. in my dream world, i would ONLY use her paint. but when i have a project that requires a color she doesn't have, i am forced to use other brands. BUT... i always start those projects with a base coat of Annie's Old White.
ASCP is ONLY sold at specific stockest... meaning don't look at Lowe's or Sherwin Williams!!
get on Annie's website and you can find one near'ish to you!
Birds Gotta Fly Vintage in Elkhart Indiana is right by me!!! paint any time i want!!
when i brought this yellow chair home and told my hubs it was for him... he looked at me like i'd completely lost it! but, he picked a dark distressed red, and EVERYONE loves it!!
what a MAKE-OVER!!! this chair was the first piece of brand new furniture my mother EVER bought!!! it was in perfect condition!! except it was.... ugly!! she gave me a color to start with and i went from there. she was thrilled with her "new" chair!
well, those were some of my favs!! it was fun looking back thru the pieces we've done! if you have questions JUST ASK!!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
look what brittin CAN do!!!
the sun is shinning!
the temperature is perfect!!
and my daughter can read!!!
ok... it's not exactly a revelation that Brittin can read... but today is a GREAT day in the world of Brittin!!
as parents of a child with special needs, it's easy to get wrapped up in what your child CAN'T do.
she can't ride a bike
she can't count money
she can't read chapter books
sometimes, it can get downright depressing!
last week brittin's team of educators (principal, special ed teacher, teacher, personal aide) sat down with mike and i and expressed their concern at britt's recent test scores. i'll admit, i cried during 95% of the meeting!! it was during that meeting that a "life skill program" was brought to our attention. maybe... that's the direction brittin's education needed to go.
at first i was admittedly AGAINST it. but the more mike and i discussed it, we agreed it was more important for brittin to learn to read a recipe, measure ingredients and use the stove than to attempt to understand double digit subtraction. we, along with the jimtown staff decided it was important for us to visit the "life skill program" classroom.
now here's a BIG issue... the program is NOT at Jimtown. WHAT? mike said "but brittin is a jimtown ICON!" and that she is!! everywhere she goes, someone knows her!! WE usually don't, but SHE does! the idea of her going anywhere else was... horrifying. no joke! and not only is it NOT in Jimtown, but it's in ... CONCORD!
now... for those of you from this area, you know those are rival schools!!! neither mike nor i went to jimtown, but it seems once you move in, you never want to leave! we are jimmies all the way!! as a disclaimer, there is NOTHING wrong with concord... i'm sure they are lovely schools... we just happen to be jimmies!!!
so we went to visit the class this morning. mike and i went with OPEN MINDS!! we only want what's best for brittin... even if it's not what we envisioned.
so here we go. we go to Concord Intermediate. nice building. we, along with the special ed teacher and brittin's aide, are escorted to the classroom. my reactions: (brutal honesty alert!!)
1. this is a small room. i pictured something much larger in my head.
2. 9 students... 4 adults... that's nice.
3. look at the little girl in the wheelchair. :( this was REALLY sad. immobile and nonverbal.
4. i LOVE the little girl who has downs! (she's a jimmie too!!)
5. they are doing pre-school "calendar time". brittin jumped right in. she actually wanted to take over!
6. we've been here 45 minutes... when are they going to do something brittin DIDN'T know 4 years ago?!?!?
7. the daily schedule is on the board in picture form. "restroom time" includes changing undergarments. very very sad. :(
8. several children are doing sign language. that's cool. wait... its because their speech is difficult to understand. still cool.
9. "snack time" isn't as much about eating as it is about communicating what the children want. brittin sat with the verbal children. now i'm really freaking out...
after 60 minutes of observation, it's time to discuss what we all think....
the Jimtown Special Ed teacher comes up to me... about 5 inches from my face and whispers "brittin is NOT coming here". good. we finally agree!
i want to say... this program is Elkhart County wide. it is WONDERFUL! it's just not appropriate for britt.
out of the 9 students:
5 are verbal ... to varying degrees.
0 have ever been in a standard education classroom
0 are able to read
right there... that was enough for me to make a decision. the director of the program even agreed, this was not the class for britt.
now, we also agreed that at some point... maybe junior high... maybe high school... we'll visit this concept again. it's not totally out of the question, but in a much higher functioning class.
here's what i learned today:
1. i need to THANK GOD EVERY DAY for the enormous list of things brittin can do!!
2. on days when i am whiny about how bad we have it, i need to reflect back to the children we met today.
3. there is a serious GAP in our education system where students like brittin fall. too high functioning for a "special education class" but not able to fully function in a standard class.
today is a GREAT day!! in every way! we have an awesome school system who's ready to make a "brittin plan". we have teachers and administrators who truly care about brittin and her needs. and we met some beautiful children this morning with the purest of hearts!!
everyone, HUG your children today! and say an extra thank you to God for everything they CAN do!
have a BLESSED day!!
the temperature is perfect!!
and my daughter can read!!!
ok... it's not exactly a revelation that Brittin can read... but today is a GREAT day in the world of Brittin!!
as parents of a child with special needs, it's easy to get wrapped up in what your child CAN'T do.
she can't ride a bike
she can't count money
she can't read chapter books
sometimes, it can get downright depressing!
last week brittin's team of educators (principal, special ed teacher, teacher, personal aide) sat down with mike and i and expressed their concern at britt's recent test scores. i'll admit, i cried during 95% of the meeting!! it was during that meeting that a "life skill program" was brought to our attention. maybe... that's the direction brittin's education needed to go.
at first i was admittedly AGAINST it. but the more mike and i discussed it, we agreed it was more important for brittin to learn to read a recipe, measure ingredients and use the stove than to attempt to understand double digit subtraction. we, along with the jimtown staff decided it was important for us to visit the "life skill program" classroom.
now here's a BIG issue... the program is NOT at Jimtown. WHAT? mike said "but brittin is a jimtown ICON!" and that she is!! everywhere she goes, someone knows her!! WE usually don't, but SHE does! the idea of her going anywhere else was... horrifying. no joke! and not only is it NOT in Jimtown, but it's in ... CONCORD!
now... for those of you from this area, you know those are rival schools!!! neither mike nor i went to jimtown, but it seems once you move in, you never want to leave! we are jimmies all the way!! as a disclaimer, there is NOTHING wrong with concord... i'm sure they are lovely schools... we just happen to be jimmies!!!
so we went to visit the class this morning. mike and i went with OPEN MINDS!! we only want what's best for brittin... even if it's not what we envisioned.
so here we go. we go to Concord Intermediate. nice building. we, along with the special ed teacher and brittin's aide, are escorted to the classroom. my reactions: (brutal honesty alert!!)
1. this is a small room. i pictured something much larger in my head.
2. 9 students... 4 adults... that's nice.
3. look at the little girl in the wheelchair. :( this was REALLY sad. immobile and nonverbal.
4. i LOVE the little girl who has downs! (she's a jimmie too!!)
5. they are doing pre-school "calendar time". brittin jumped right in. she actually wanted to take over!
6. we've been here 45 minutes... when are they going to do something brittin DIDN'T know 4 years ago?!?!?
7. the daily schedule is on the board in picture form. "restroom time" includes changing undergarments. very very sad. :(
8. several children are doing sign language. that's cool. wait... its because their speech is difficult to understand. still cool.
9. "snack time" isn't as much about eating as it is about communicating what the children want. brittin sat with the verbal children. now i'm really freaking out...
after 60 minutes of observation, it's time to discuss what we all think....
the Jimtown Special Ed teacher comes up to me... about 5 inches from my face and whispers "brittin is NOT coming here". good. we finally agree!
i want to say... this program is Elkhart County wide. it is WONDERFUL! it's just not appropriate for britt.
out of the 9 students:
5 are verbal ... to varying degrees.
0 have ever been in a standard education classroom
0 are able to read
right there... that was enough for me to make a decision. the director of the program even agreed, this was not the class for britt.
now, we also agreed that at some point... maybe junior high... maybe high school... we'll visit this concept again. it's not totally out of the question, but in a much higher functioning class.
here's what i learned today:
1. i need to THANK GOD EVERY DAY for the enormous list of things brittin can do!!
2. on days when i am whiny about how bad we have it, i need to reflect back to the children we met today.
3. there is a serious GAP in our education system where students like brittin fall. too high functioning for a "special education class" but not able to fully function in a standard class.
today is a GREAT day!! in every way! we have an awesome school system who's ready to make a "brittin plan". we have teachers and administrators who truly care about brittin and her needs. and we met some beautiful children this morning with the purest of hearts!!
everyone, HUG your children today! and say an extra thank you to God for everything they CAN do!
have a BLESSED day!!
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